The main objective of this event will be to promote discussion among researchers, policy practitioners and
stakeholders on the key issues of labour migration and labour relations, social cohesion and social welfare, and the
future development and sustainability of society. Proposals for papers are welcome from a variety of disciplines and
policy perspectives that address the major objectives and themes of the conference under the following streams:
The human impact of the financial crisis (on women and men); Citizenship in national and European dimensions;
Poverty and welfare in crisis and post-crisis perspectives; Austerity, social justice and social solidarity; Migration
and social sustainability; Labour standards, work and employee representation; Restoring and strengthening the
fabric of civil society and the role of international agencies.
Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова
REMESO's Charles Woolfson and researchers at Vilnius University, Lithuania
Контактная информация
Jolanta Aidukaite, Charles Woolfson; for information regarding registration, accommodation,
travel to Vilnius or other issues regarding your attendance please contact the conference coordinator
Viktorija Voolfson.